Call for Tutorial Proposals

ISWC is the premier venue for presenting innovative systems and research results related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, attracting yearly a large number of high quality submissions and participants from both, industry and academia. ISWC brings together researchers from different areas, such as artificial intelligence, databases, natural language processing, information systems, human computer interaction, information retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate, develop and use novel methods and technologies for accessing, interpreting and using information on the web in a more effective way.

In addition to the regular research and workshop program, ISWC 2015 will feature a tutorial program addressing the diverse interests of its audience: Semantic Web practitioners that wish to learn about new technologies, novices to the Semantic Web interested in introductory tutorials to key Semantic Web / Linked Data topics, government and industry representatives focusing on the applicability of Semantic Web / Linked Data technologies in practical settings.

We hereby invite you to submit a tutorial proposal on a topic relevant to the ISWC 2015 audience.

Review Criteria

The decision on acceptance or rejection of tutorial proposals will be made on the basis of the overall quality of the proposal and its appeal to a reasonable fraction of the Semantic Web community.

In particular, tutorials should satisfy each of the following criteria:

  1. the topic falls in the general scope of ISWC 2015.
  2. there is a clear focus on a specific technology, problem or application.
  3. there is a sufficiently large community interested in the topic.

We expect proposals for the following types of tutorials:

  1. Tutorials providing an introduction to the Semantic Web
  2. Tutorials describing the application of Semantic Web technologies in specific domains (e.g., Business Intelligence, Life Sciences, eGovernment)
  3. Tutorials presenting concrete Semantic Web technologies and trends. We encourage proposals focusing on established technologies that are increasingly used by the community and on novel, ground-breaking technologies.
  4. Tutorials presenting techniques from other disciplines that are relevant to Semantic Web research (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval, human computer interaction, web science, etc.).

Additionally, we expect tutorials to have practical parts in terms of examples or preferably exercises to be carried out by the participants.

Submission Guidelines

Tutorial proposals should be submitted via EasyChair as a single PDF file containing the following sections:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract: 200 word summary of the tutorial purpose and content
  3. Motivation: Why is the topic timely and of particular interest to ISWC participants? What is the relation of this tutorial to other similar tutorials presented at other events? (one to three paragraphs)
  4. Detailed Description: Overview of content, description of the aims, presentation style, tutorial format, prior knowledge required by the attendees (max. 2 pages)
  5. Audience: Who and how many people are likely to attend? (one paragraph)
  6. Presenters: Name, affiliation, email address, homepage and short (one paragraph) biography of each chair, their expertise in the tutorial topic as well as their experiences in teaching and in tutorial presentation. Please indicate which presenter is the primary contact. (1-2 paragraphs per presenter)
  7. Length: Please note that this year the preferred format for tutorials is half-day.  Full-day tutorials will be considered only for those cases where the need for additional time is properly justified and there is space available.
  8. Requirements: Audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements (1-2 paragraphs).

Accepted tutorials will be required to prepare a tutorial web page containing  detailed information about the tutorial content, schedule and organisation. Tutorial organisers are also responsible for the production and distribution of all material to be used for teaching the tutorial (slides, notes, technical papers, etc.). In the case of a hands-on tutorial requiring software, it is strongly recommended that tutors place any software prerequisites online for participants to download and install in advance of the start of the tutorial. Additionally, tutors should avoid, as much as possible, depending on live web-based services that could be hampered by unexpected technical issues.

The organisers of each accepted tutorial will receive one free registration  (conference + one workshop/tutorial day). Tutorial attendees must pay the ISWC tutorial registration fee as well as the conference registration fee.
Submissions of tutorial proposals can be made via easy chair.

Important Dates

Tutorial proposals due: March 10, 2015 - 23:59 Hawaii Time   *** Extended until March 17, 2015 - 23:59 Hawaii Time ***
Notification of accepted proposals: April 15, 2015 - 23:59 Hawaii Time

Timeline for Tutorials

By July 1, 2015 the tutorial web site must be online.
Tutorials will be held on October 11-12, 2015.

All deadlines are Hawaii time.


Krzysztof Janowicz (, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Miriam Fernandez (, Open University, UK